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Why join Promise Partners? 

Promise Partners offers a wide range of programming to help you reach your goal of business ownership.

Learn from others who have been there 

The most effective way to achieve business ownership is to learn from those who have successfully done it and to connect with others who are on the same journey. New members can assess their career paths with their business ownership goals in mind and implement insights gained from those who have already reached this milestone.

Get Results 

Promise Partners has helped 70 members become business owners "heroes" in 97 businesses. Less than 2% of Americans owns a business compared to 43% of Promise Members who remain in Promise for three years or more.

Consider Unexpected Paths 

Explore different paths to business ownership and navigate your individual journey.

Get started

Recruitment opens each year in May. Interested candidates should complete the form below.

Here is an overview of the process to join Promise Partners, with events taking place in July and August:

  • Attend informational event to learn more about Promise and meet current members - this is a great opportunity to make sure Promise is right for you.
  • Complete membership questionnaire - Promise gets to know more about you.
  • Participate in one-on-one interviews with current members - we make sure you are a good fit for Promise.

  Achieving one's promise is the gift of a lifetime, endowing the human experience with nobility.  

Richard Osborne

Promise Partners Inc is a 501(c)(6) organization

2001 Crocker Road, Suite 510
Westlake, OH 44145


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