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Promise Partners Programming Offered:

Quarterly Meetings

Be inspired and learn from the featured speaker's journey to business ownership. This intimate gathering of 35-50 people gives members the opportunity to take ideas from and ask questions about a successful business owner's path to ownership. Plus, have dinner and connect with fellow members along their individual ownership journeys.


Be a part of a small group of peers. Group of 5-8 peers providing close support to one another and creating accountability along each individual's focused path to business ownership.


Help members buy a company. Runners get direct support from members who have successfully achieved their dream of owning a company (known as Heroes in our group) and from peers on the same journey. Get help and advice on how to structure your deal, your operating agreement, valuation, recommended attorneys/accountants, discussing the deal with your family, how to approach a seller, what to do after a deal closes, etc. The Runners program acts as an advisor to your search to buy a company.

Right Hand Program

There are many Promise members who have promise but are not yet ready to quit their job and conduct full-time business search.  The Right Hand (RH) program is designed to provide a framework to support Promise members in securing a position where they are employed as a private business owner’s "right hand ".  By doing so, the Promise member will gain real life experience in running companies and accelerate their development towards the ultimate goal of business ownership.

Acquisition Team

Get perspective on doing a deal. Join small group sessions for periodic meetings to participate in case studies of deals our members have pursued. Learn how the search and acquisition process works first-hand. Active members who join this sub-group have the chance to assist members who are in a search process in the evaluation of targets.

Mentor Program

Work 1 on 1 with a Hero. Get paired one-on-one with a mentor to directly help you on your journey to becoming a hero.

Social Events

Provides opportunities for members to get to know other members in the organization that could help along one's journey to business ownership at fun events like golf or the Icarus Cup challenge.

"Achieving one's promise is the gift of a lifetime, endowing the human experience with nobility."
-Richard Osborne

Promise Partners Inc is a 501(c)(6) organization

Promise Partners Inc 

2001 Crocker Road, Suite 510
Westlake, OH 44145

(216) 566-8884

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